Brian Chieu
EE MS, Columbia
Columbia University
EECS E4764 Fall'16 Internet of Things
Intelligent and Connected Systems
Team 12 Project Report
Security, Detection and Analytics system
We have successfully built a smart wallet with robust security, detection and analytics funcitonalities. It has two main modes of operations, a short range mode where it communicates via a bluetooth low energy (BLE) module with the smart wallet android app and a long range mode where it communicates with a remote cloud server via any open Wifi network, seamlessly switching between the two. Short range functionality include detection by sounding an alarm and notifiaction when it goes out of range. When not in BLE range it can be tracked on the smart wallet app using the google maps API. It simultaneously runs a gait analysis algorithm using an IMU to check for the gait signature of the person carrying the wallet and pushes an alert to all interested parties if the wallet is opened and the signature does not match that of the user. Finally, it performs analytics based on spending patterns and suggests places such as restaurants and provides provides other useful information based on where the wallet was openend.
This is the resulting page from when bluetooth is in range and current location has been logged more than a certain number of times while the wallet has been opened. The app places markers in nearby restaurants to the logged locations as suggestions.
This is the resulting page from when the bluetooth is out of range. The blue marker shows the location of the wallet and the red marker shows the location of the user.
The left plot shows the feature vectors extracted from the accelerometer data within one time window. In our case the feature vector calculated based on the angle or swing in the x and y directions. If either of the vectors exceeds the threshold, then the gait signature will no longer be matching, and the appropriate alerts will be pushed depending on the wallet state. The right plot shows the varying accelerometer data as a person is walking.
This picture shows the instantaneous accelerometer data received from the Huzzah.
Abhinav Sridhar: as5183@columbia.edu
Brian Chieu: bc2711@columbia.edu
Yidong Ren: yr2301@columbia.edu
Columbia University Department of Electrical Engineering
Class Website:
Columbia University EECS E4764 Fall '16 IoT
Instructor: Professsor Xiaofan (Fred) Jiang